energy healing

What is Reiki - answers to some frequently asked questions

What is Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation. It promotes physical emotional and spiritual healing. It balances the energy within the client. It can be transmitted by laying on hands, at a distance of 1 inch to several feet, or remotely. It is based on the idea that a universal healing source of energy. This energy can be transmitted through a trained practitioner to their client by means of intention. If the energy of a person is low or stagnant then they are more vulnerable to stress and disease. Reiki energy can be transmitted through the hands of the practitioner. Often the client will feel a sensation such as warmth, or buzzing in the area where the practitioner is working.

Reiki has been effective in helping heal all illnesses and always produces a beneficial effect, It is complementary to other medicine and healing modalities. It can work to relieve the adverse effects of medications.

Answers to some frequently asked questions about Reiki

How does Reiki work? Reiki works by transferring energy from the practitioner's hands to the recipient's body. The energy is believed to flow through the practitioner's hands and into the recipient's body, promoting relaxation and healing.

  1. What should I expect during a Reiki session? During a Reiki session, you will typically lie down fully clothed on a table or mat, and the practitioner will place their hands on or near your body. You may feel warmth or tingling sensations in your body as the energy is transmitted. You may also feel deeply relaxed or even fall asleep during the session.

  2. Is Reiki a form of massage? No, Reiki is not a form of massage. While both massage and Reiki involve touch, massage is focused on manipulating the muscles and soft tissues of the body, while Reiki is focused on transferring energy.

  3. Can Reiki be used to treat medical conditions? Reiki is often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatment. While there is limited scientific evidence to support its effectiveness, many people find that it helps them to manage symptoms of various medical conditions and improve their overall well-being.

  4. Is Reiki associated with any religion? No, Reiki is not associated with any particular religion. While it has roots in Japanese spirituality, it is a secular practice that can be used by people of any religious or spiritual background.

  5. Can anyone learn to practice Reiki? Yes, anyone can learn to practice Reiki. There are many classes and training programs available for people who are interested in becoming Reiki practitioners.

Relaxation and healing session

I am going to take you through a process to help you to relax. It will start at the top of your head and go down to your feet. Breath in for a count of 4 and out for a count of 8. If this feels awkward try a count of 3 for the in breath and 6 for the out breath instead. As you breath feel the belly expanding on the in breath and coming back in on the out breath. Keep up this breathing pattern throughout. Bring your attention to the top of your head. Relax the top of your head. Relax your forehead. Feel that this is smoothing out any wrinkles in your forehead. Feel the muscles around and behind your eyes relaxing. Relax your jaw and the muscles around mouth. You may feel your teeth starting to part as you relax. Rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Relax the muscles in your neck. The relaxation continues into your shoulders. Feel them dropping and any tension in them starting to release. Take your attention now to your arms. Relax the upper arms, the elbows and the forearms. Feel the wrists and hands relax. Your fingers may stretch as they relax. You may feel a tingling sensation in them as the blood flows to the area. Relax the chest and upper back. The relaxation flows down to the belly and lower back. Relax your waist, hips and buttocks. The relaxation continues down the thighs, the knees and the calves. Feel the ankles relax, the feet and the toes. The feet and toes may move as the tension is released. Now center your self and feel the breath slowly coming in and out. Now your are in a good frame of mind for the healing session.


I've created a healing session to help with Autumn and the Metal Element. In the body the Metal Element consists of the Lungs and Large Intestine. The Lungs take in air. In Chinese Medicine they take in the Qi from the Heavens. The Large Intestine lets go of waste material. On a more emotional level it's important to be able to freely accept gifts and compliments. To appreciate beauty in the world. It can be helpful to write a list of things in our life that we are grateful for. It's also important to let go of things we no longer need. In Autumn the trees let their leaves fall. They do not cling onto them. To receive the healing you will need to call it in. This is done via intention. Here is how to do it: relax, and state your intention out loud or silently, to receive this Autumn Healing Session from Geoff, for your highest good and highest healing. If you are visual you can concentrate on the picture above. Allow 15 minutes for the healing session to complete. If you enjoyed the relaxation and healing session feel free to leave a comment below.

Healing the Fire Element

The Fire Element

Chinese Character for Fire

Chinese Character for Fire

In Chinese Medicine Summer is the season of the Fire Element. Fire is hot, bright and lively. Sitting by a fire or being out on a hot Summer's day can bring us comfort and warmth. The colour red, laughing and joy are associated with the Fire Element. Heart felt communication, love and relationships are issues that test our Fire Element. If it is strong then these will be easy for us. We may be over or under active Fire Element. An overactive Fire Element lead to clowning about and opening up inappropriately. This might be considered manic behaviour. An under active Fire Element might lead to isolation and being emotionally closed off.

Healing the Fire Element

To receive the healing you will need to call it in. This is done via intention. Here is how to do it: relax, and state your intention out loud or silently, to receive this Fire Element Healing from Geoff, for your highest good and highest healing. If you are visual you can concentrate on the picture below.


Harvest Festival Healing

Harvest Festival is a time when the crops have been gathered and people come together to celebrate the bountiful time. In terms of Chinese Medicine this time could be regarded as the time of the Earth element. It is a time when the harvesting of grains and fruits is taking place.


Above is an image representing the Shen cycle. This is a generative cycle. Each element feeds into the next.

The Chinese character for Earth is tu. The top horizontal line is the surface soil and the lower line earth below that. The vertical line represents plants that grow in the soil that are produced by the Earth.

The Chinese character for Earth is tu. The top horizontal line is the surface soil and the lower line earth below that. The vertical line represents plants that grow in the soil that are produced by the Earth.

Try out my free healing. To call it in just state your intention to receive the Harvest Festival Healing from Geoff. Use the picture to imagine a field full of corn. The corn is ripe and ready for eating.
