Fire Element

Sun and Wind Healing

Sun and Wind in Chinese Medicine

In Chinese Medicine sun and Summer relate to the Fire Element, and Wind and Spring relate to the Wood Element. Wood is the mother of Fire. This can be easily imagined since wood can be burned to make fire. Sun is warming and yang in nature. Wind is dynamic and yang in nature. Some people of a Woody nature can find being out in windy weather to be exhilarating. As I write we are coming to the end of Spring, the Wood element and soon will be heading into Summer and the Fire Element.

Sun and Wind Healing

I was outside earlier in the week doing some exercises and stretches. I was in the sunshine but a fairly strong wind was blowing. I found that I was being warmed by the sun and cooled by the wind. I found that if I kept moving I was warm enough to stay outside. The combination of sun and wind was invigorating and it kept me out exercising longer than normal. I wanted to create a healing that gave a similar fealing, one of warmth and invigoration.

To receive the healing you will need to call it in. This is done via intention. Here is how to do it: relax, and state your intention out loud or silently, to receive this Sun and Wind Healing from Geoff, for your highest good and highest healing. If you are visual you can concentrate on the picture below: 


Hicks, Hicks and Mole, 2004, Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture, Churchill Livingstone

Healing the Fire Element

The Fire Element

Chinese Character for Fire

Chinese Character for Fire

In Chinese Medicine Summer is the season of the Fire Element. Fire is hot, bright and lively. Sitting by a fire or being out on a hot Summer's day can bring us comfort and warmth. The colour red, laughing and joy are associated with the Fire Element. Heart felt communication, love and relationships are issues that test our Fire Element. If it is strong then these will be easy for us. We may be over or under active Fire Element. An overactive Fire Element lead to clowning about and opening up inappropriately. This might be considered manic behaviour. An under active Fire Element might lead to isolation and being emotionally closed off.

Healing the Fire Element

To receive the healing you will need to call it in. This is done via intention. Here is how to do it: relax, and state your intention out loud or silently, to receive this Fire Element Healing from Geoff, for your highest good and highest healing. If you are visual you can concentrate on the picture below.



My friend posing by a canal boat

My friend posing by a canal boat

I went for a walk by the canal with a friend of mine. We are both walk leaders for a meetup group called "Manchester Hiking." It was a sunny day and a pleasant stroll by the canal allowed us to have time to relax and unwind. Casual conversation with my friend allowed me to feel at ease. The pace of the walk changed with our mood. It started with a slow pace when we strolled through Dunham Park where there was wildlife to see and photograph. The deer are quite tame on the whole and they can come quite close to you. It increased as we moved onto the canal. We had a chance to sit by Lymm Damn and chat while we ate. Sharing problems allows us to feel heard. In Chinese Medicine the Fire element is what allows us to open up to other people and form relationships. We should open up appropriately. We shouldn't share the same personal information with the Postman as we would with a close friend.

Deer in Dunham Park 

Deer in Dunham Park