Summer Solstice and Full Moon Healing

Today is the Summer Solstice and also a full moon called the Strawberry Moon. The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. The name Solstice means "sun stands still." A full moon in June was described by Native Americans as the Strawberry Moon since it was thought to mark the beginning of the strawberry season. Pagans and non pagans alike gather at mystical sites, such as Stonehenge, to celebrate sunrise on the solstice. Through the ages there was often dancing and bonfires, which were thought to keep the dark at bay. Pagans consider the solstice to be a day when the veil between this world and the next is thought to be at its thinnest.





Castlerigg Stone Circle

Castlerigg Stone Circle

Healing Session

To receive the healing you will need to call it in. This is done via intention. Here is how to do it: relax, and state your intention out loud or silently, to receive this Summer Solstice and Full Moon Healing from Geoff, for your highest good and highest healing. If you are visual you can concentrate on the pictures above.